MCAP's VIRTUAL Run For The Hill Of It!
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MCAP's 2nd VIRTUAL Run For The Hill Of It!
It’s that time again! Our VIRTUAL Run For The Hill Of It! was so fun and such a success last year, we’re doing it again! We would absolutely LOVE to see all of our friends in person in the beautiful Wissahickon, but out of an abundance of caution for the safety of our runners, sponsors, volunteers, staff, and board, we will keep the virtual format we used last year, and have summer family fun all week long – Saturday, July 24th to Saturday, July 31st!
Here’s how our 2nd VIRTUAL Run For The Hill Of It! works:
For all of our participants, MCAP will:
All funds raised through our 2nd VIRTUAL Run For The Hill Of It! support our life-saving work to provide a trained professional attorney for child victims of abuse, neglect, and trafficking in Montgomery County, ensuring their voices are heard in the processes that impact their lives. In 2020 we served 647 children, more than ever before in our 17-year history, bringing our total number of children served to nearly 8,000.
Ready to run (or walk or bike or swim or rollerblade or practice yoga or dance) for the hill of it and help Montgomery County kids? Sign up today!