Mardi Gras Miles 5K & Kids Run for the Beads 2023

Mardi Gras Miles 5K & Kids Run for the Beads 2023

Southern Pines, NC
Feb 18, 2023
5K / Other

Sub-events Details

Mardi Gras Miles 5K

Feb 18, 2023 (Sat)
9:00 AM
in person

Kids Run for the Beads

Feb 18, 2023 (Sat)
10:00 AM
in person

Event details

Mardi Gras Miles 2023 hopes to find an increase in runner participation. Last Year we had more than 80 registered runners and walkers for this event and our 22 kids participated in the Kids Run for the Beads at the completion of the 5K run. The event will be held on the SJPII Campus and travels through Belle Meade.

The race will be held on Saturday February 18th at the SJPII Campus February with a start time of 9:00 am. The Kids Run for the beads event will begin at 10:00am on race day. After each 200m lap, kids will be awarded a string of beads. The event will run for a duration of 10 minutes, only. 

Proceeds from this year's 2023 race will benefit the Athletic Department of St. John Paul II Catholic School in Southern Pines. The monies earned from past runs have allowed the purchase of new volleyball uniforms, soccer uniforms, new warm ups for the girls basketball team, supplemental basketball uniforms for our growing team, new basketballs for the boys and girls as well as a few new volleyballs. This year we will be putting money toward our newly formed Middle school Baseball Team's equipment and new Cross Country Uniforms.

T-shirt Pickup
Packet pick-up will be available Friday Feb 17, 2022 3:30-5:00pm and Saturday Feb 27, 2022 7:30-8:15 am at 2922 Camp Easter Road, Southern Pines NC.

King Cakes made by Sweet Fridays bakery will be awarded to the top female runner, male runner, top under 16 female, under 16 male runner and for best costume. 

We hope to continue to encourage health and fitness among children, families and the entire community with our events and others like it throughout the year. Proceeds will go to St. John Paul II Catholic School to benefit its Athletic Department, which helps to benefit the physical education program, too. The goal of both of these programs is to establish and improve healthy lifestyles for our students and the Sandhills community at large.