Love of Life 5K Run/Walk

Love of Life 5K Run/Walk

Indiana, PA
Oct 15, 2022
5K / 1 mile

Sub-events Details

Love of Life 1 mile walk

1 mile
Oct 15, 2022 (Sat)
9:00 AM
in person

Love of Life Virtual 5k

Oct 15, 2022 (Sat)
9:00 AM

Love of Life 5k Run/Walk

Oct 15, 2022 (Sat)
9:00 AM
in person

Event details

Join us on Saturday, October 19, 2024 for the Love of Life 5k Walk/Run, to raise money for local breast cancer services at Indiana Regional Medical Center Women's Imaging Center.


Event:  Love of Life 5k Run/Walk

5k Registration Fee:  $30 Adults, $20 Youth (14 & under). 

1 mile Registration Fee: $20 (Adults and Youth)

LOL T-Shirt: T-Shirts available in crew neck and youth.    T-Shirt guaranteed until September 27, 2024 

Packet Pick-Up: Friday, October 18th 3:00 pm - 6 pm - SCG Hobby 1450 Oakland Avenue, Indiana, PA 15701 

FREE PARKING: 7:30 am to noon at S&T lot on North 8th Street

RACE INFORMATION: Starting at 8th St. and Philadelphia St., heading south to Indiana Regional Medical Center and Mack Park. Returning through Mack Park, the town and the fringe of IUP to the finish line. The race is a moderate run. The course is mostly flat with gentle inclines and two moderate hills. The route will be clearly marked with street arrows, signs, volunteers, and police. Water stations at the 7th St. loop entrance and exit to Mack Park.


Event:  Love Of Live Virtual 5k:

Virtual 5K Registration Fee:  $35.00

Results:  Upload

LOL T-Shirt:  Available in crew neck and youth and are only available to virtual registrations received by 10/01/24.    

Race Packet:  Race shirts will be mailed and shipping is included. 

Race Information: Get creative and create your own 5k race course or run/walk with one of the options below.  

The Hoodlebug Trail- Start and finish where the path from the Divinity Church (old Omni) meets the trail, head South toward Homer City and then back.

Track- Any standard track at a school of university is 400 meters, so 12.5 laps would equal a 3.1 mile/5k.

No alternate date or rain refunds.

Race Day Awards:

Spirit Award: Given to the individual or group that demonstrates an overall unifying theme promoting breast cancer awareness in their race day attire.

Largest Team Award: Given to the team with the most registered participants for the Love of Life 5k;  to qualify, each member must include the team name on his or her registration form prior to the start of the race.

T-Shirt Award: Given to the individual or group with the most creative t-shirt design promoting breast cancer awareness. 

  Photo by Anthony Frazier