Love 2 Run Trail - Reverse Course
Sub-events Details
10K ish Trail Run
5K ish Trail Run
Welcome to the annual Love 2 Run Trail 10K and 5K REVERSE COURSE. We are very excited to host this event. You will have the option to run as a Single runner or as a Couple.
We have 2 awesome trails for a 10Kish and a 5Kish run. Take a look below and see what you will receive when you register.
The Top Male/Female Single runner will get to go on a date with each other. Just messing with you. Each participant will get an individual award. Currently we do not have category awards.
Awards will be given to the top 3 Male, top 3 Female and top 3 CoEd teams.
The fastest combined time of both runners will determine the winner for each category.
All teams will be entered to a raffle to win a gift card to a local restaurant.