Longest Night Mile
Sub-events Details
Longest Night Mile
Longest Night Mile
WHERE: Phoenix High School Track
WHEN: Sunday, December 21st, 2024
COURSE DETAILS: Four times around the Phoenix High School Track
RACE FEES: Option 1: Bring 2+ boxes of dry cereal. YES you read that right! The SOU food bank coordinator expressed to us in 2019 that the students are excited when there is cereal in the food bank because there rarely is and when it is there it doesn't last long. So, we thought it would be a fun treat before Christmas to stuff their pantry full of cereal goodness! We also hosted a can food drive at our Turkey Trot for the SOU food bank and a portion of the proceeds went to them as well so don't worry, we made sure they had other food items.
Option 2: $10 online or day of (cash or check only) which will also be donated to the SOU Student Food Pantry.
RACE DAY INFO: Registration 5-6pm - Bring $10 or 2 boxes of dry cereal and sign waiver to participate.
AWARDS: Ribbons for the top 3 places in all age groups. $100 prize for all men who run sub 4:00 minutes and all women who run sub 4:20 minutes.
RESTRICTIONS: Absolutely no roller skaters, bicycles, skateboards, baby joggers, dogs, headphones, or unregistered participants
RACE DIRECTORS: Nathan & Shayla Watt