Lloyd Harbor School's 30th Annual Little Apple Fun Run

Lloyd Harbor School's 30th Annual Little Apple Fun Run

Lloyd Harbor, NY
May 19, 2024
1 mile

Sub-events Details

1 Mile Run/Walk

1 mile
May 19, 2024 (Sun)
8:30 AM
Run only
in person

Event details



School Lane, Lloyd Harbor, NY 11743


Please join us RAIN or SHINE for the 30th Annual Little Apple Fun Run!

This year, we're running a two-chip, one mile race in 9 heats. Heats will be separated by several minutes to reduce crowding at the start line.

Day of Race Schedule

8:00AM - parking lot closes for 2 hours

8:30AM - the race begins

9:30AM - the race ends, everyone enjoys snacks, games and music!

9:50AM - award ceremony begins

10:00AM - parking lot opens

11:00AM - event ends

Trophies will be presented for the top three males and top three females in each of the following categories:

Kindergarten and under

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade

Eighth Grade and up


We can't wait to see all your smiling faces!