KPMG Round the Grounds Junior Running Race
Sub-events Details
Girls 8 Years Old (1 Mile)
Boys 8 Years Old (1 Mile)
Girls 9-10 Years Old (1 Mile)
Boys 9-10 Years Old (1 Mile)
Girls and Boys 11-12 Years Old (1 Mile)
Girls and Boys 13-16 Years Old (1 Mile)
Girls 4 Years Old (400 Metres)
Boys 4 Years Old (400 Metres)
Girls 5 Years Old (400 Metres)
Boys 5 Years Old (400 Metres)
Girls 6 Years Old (700 Metres)
Boys 6 Years Old (700 Metres)
Girls 7 Years Old (700 Metres)
Boys 7 Years Old (700 Metres)
It’s time to lace up and get ready!
Races to be held at Botanical Gardens in Paget on Sunday, March 10th 2024.
The first race starts at 1:00pm and subsequent races will start after the conclusion of the previous race so start times shown are approximate based on past years' experience. Parents are advised to arrive a minimum of 30mins prior to the start of their child's race.
Parking will be available on the Tucker property, opposite the South Shore entrance to Botanical Gardens. **Come Early to Avoid Queues**
NUMBER PICK UP is on Saturday, March 9th, 2024 KPMG Offices, 4 Par-La-Ville Rd, Hamilton 10am to 1pm (Entries after this time will be able to collect Race Numbers on race day at the start)
$100 Additional Award to Winners (Male and Female) of the 13-16 Age Group if the existing records are broken (Male 4:58:43, Female 5:30:71)
First Event which is the 4 year old Girls, starts at 1pm. Subsequent events will start at the conclusion of the previous event. (Parents are advised to plan to arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of their childs event)
Approximate start times are as follows (please note these will vary depending on the number of participants and other factors, so they are not guaranteed but approximate based on prior years of this event)
Sorry, but if you miss your event, whilst the organizers may allow your child to participate, we cannot give a score as they would be participating in the wrong event.