Kayhi XC Grand Prix

Kayhi XC Grand Prix

Anywhere, AK
Jun 27, 2023
Other / 10K / 1 mile / 5K / 5 mile

Sub-events Details

Week 1- Esther Shea Track 1 mile

1 mile
Jun 27, 2023 (Tue)
5:00 PM
Trail Race
in person

Week 3- North End Bike Path- Start at Whipple Creek 10K

Jul 18, 2023 (Tue)
5:00 PM
Trail Race
in person

Week 4- Perseverance Trail 5 miles

5 mile
Jul 25, 2023 (Tue)
5:00 PM
Trail Race
in person

Week 2- Ward Lake - Kayhi Cross Country Course 3.1 miles

Jul 11, 2023 (Tue)
5:00 PM
Trail Race
in person

Week 5- Gravina Island- Bostwick Lake 8.5 miles

Aug 01, 2023 (Tue)
5:00 PM
Trail Race
in person

Full Series

Jun 27, 2023 (Tue)
5:00 PM
Trail Race

Event details

Kayhi Cross Country Fundraiser!

This series of 5 races, held every Tuesday evening between June 27 and August 1 (no race July 4,) benefits Kayhi’s Cross Country team. Come out every week to get in a run and support our high school athletes! Races begin at 6pm at various locations (see schedule below.) The route and distance will change each week. Online registration for each event is open until 7:00pm the day before, but there will be in-person registration at each race from 5:30-6:00pm.

What is a Grand Prix?

A Grand Prix is a series of races, in which runners compete for points throughout the series, rather than placement in one single race. The top male and female, plus the top U18 male and female point earners, will win prizes (to be awarded at the completion of the series). You get points for placement in the race, plus points for just showing up! See below for more information on the point system 


Placement Points are awarded to the first 20 men and women in each race:

1st place = 100 points
2nd place = 95 points
3rd place = 90 points
4th place = 85 points
-5 points for each place, down to 20th place = 5 points

Other ways to earn points include:

Volunteering = 25 volunteer points available for each race (125 total)
Run the Gamut = 50 bonus points after participating in all 5 races
Membership Bonus = 50 points (one time bonus) if you are a KRC member in good standing
XC Bonus = 50 points (one time bonus) for prospective XC runners 
Participation = 10 points for each race in addition to your finishing points

Prizes will be awarded to top male and female point earners and top U18 male and female point earners. Prizes TBA

High School and Middle School XC Runners 

Members and prospective members of Kayhi's 2023 XC team and SMS/KCS XC team - contact Coach Sean Vail kayhixc@gmail.com to receive a private discount code. This code is only applicable to members/prospective members of the team! 

Routes (all races begin at 6:00 pm)

Week 1: Esther Shea Track- 1 Mile time trial 

Week 2: Ward Lake- Kayhi XC course (Frog Pond out & back, lap around Ward Lake, finish at Ward Creek bridge; 3.1 miles). Please note, we will meet at the (road) bridge between Grassy Point & Perseverance Lake Trailheads!  Map linked here: 

Week 3: Whipple Creek North End Bike Path- (10K out and back from Whipple Creek)

Week 4: Perseverance Lake Trail out & back (turn around at bridge, roughly 5 miles). Please note, we will meet at the Perseverance Lake Trailhead!

Week 5: Gravina Island- Bostwick Lake out and back- race begins in the tunnel below the tarmac, runs to Bostwick lake and back- roughly 8.5 miles (airport ferry tickets included in registration)


Contact Coach Sean Vail  - kayhixc@gmail.com