Julia’s 24 Hour

Julia’s 24 Hour

Denver, CO
Aug 1, 2024 - Aug 14, 2024

Sub-events Details

Cheering on Virtually

Aug 01, 2024 (Thu)
12:00 AM
Run only

Event details


Julia Beckley will be running (pushing chair) for 24 hours August 11-12th. The purpose of this sign up is to allow ease of communication with updates and opportunities to spread the word to fundraise.

You will have 2 options, you can register as a volunteer or participant. You can choose to have a fundraising page or pass.

If you are supporting virtually please choose participant side. By signing up for that you will receive (3 hand made by Julia) buttons (1, large 2 small) those are designed to attach to running vests or other gear.

If you are pacing or crewing you will receive goodies for coming out and supporting. There is no cost but you can also create a fundraising page if you desire. 

please text Julia for access to crew GroupMe if you are planning on stopping by as that will give the latest information including location Julia will be at. 

follow artisaurous on instagram for live updates from August 11th-12th

You are invited to the Tailwind Nutrition presented After Party shenanigans  on August 14th at Runners Roost Denver off Colorado Blvd. (run club starts at 6 and drawings and prizes are after the run)

stay tuned for perks and goodies for social media sharing! 

email: Juliaandteam@gmail.com

Text / call (text faster response rime)

303) 491-6952.