John Jay Community Trail Race
Sub-events Details
4k Jay Walk
Kids Jay Dash
The John Jay Community 5k Trail Race ( is a competitive community race on the new John Jay Community Cross Country Trail. The course starts on the lower fields of the John Jay Campus and quickly goes into the wooded trails adjacent to the middle school and high school. It ends on the John Jay Contest Track & Field next to Route 121. The trails are challenging and hilly in the woods.
The John Jay 4k Trail Walk is a non-competitive walk through the main parts of the John Jay Community Trail. The walkers will start after the 5k runners are in the woods. Most of the trail is the same except for approximately 1k of the southern hill loop that is skipped by the walkers.
Both courses end at the John Jay Contest Field.
Note: since the trail and course is on school grounds, animals are not permitted - except for service animals within the ADA definition.
Sign up NOW - first 150 pre-registered runners/walkers to sign up receive a race t-shirt!
The Kids Jay Dash race will take place after the finish of the 5k run/4k walk. It will be held on the track and the distance will be 200 meters. The first 30 kids to sign up for the Dash will receive a t-shirt!
The John Jay Community Cross Country Trail has been developed and built by student and community volunteers to provide a home course for the Westchester County and New York State Championship John Jay Cross Country teams as well as for the community. If you are interested in helping out, either via donation or volunteering your time, please reach out to us at for more information. Thank you!
Thank you to our wonderful sponsors! We are always looking for additional sponsors for the community races! We truly appreciate the sponsors who enable us to host a fun and competitive race event.
We are seeking sponsors for the 2025 races. If you are interested in sponsoring or renewing your sponsorship, please contact us at
A listing of the 2025 sponsors to date is here: or click on the "Sponsor" link above.
You can see all of our past year's sponsors (thank you!!) at our link.
We could not put on the event without our SPONSOR PARTNERS -- and we encourage everyone to patronize them!