Jack Duffy 5K Power Run 2025
Sub-events Details
In-Person 1 Mile Walk
In-Person 1 Mile Walk
In-Person 5K Run
Virtual Run/ Walk
In-Person 5K Run
Virtual Run/ Walk
Welcome to the 7th Annual Jack Duffy 5K Power Run and 1M Walk! This event is held to honor and celebrate the life of Jack Duffy, a brilliant and kind young man, Hatboro-Horsham graduate, Dartmouth student, entrepreneur, and accomplished runner whose purpose was “to serve, help, and empower others.” Proceeds support youth mental health and suicide prevention.
The event will take place on Sunday, August 10, including a virtual option. The in-person run and walk will be held in Horsham, PA, starting and ending at the Hatboro-Horsham High School Stadium and continuing along the beautiful, paved Horsham Power Line Trail. For the virtual event, you can run or walk wherever you enjoy the outdoors.
Advanced online registration is open through August 9 and is discounted versus race day sign-up. A free t-shirt is available if registered by July 14, or you can choose to donate the cost to the charity. Pickup for bibs and shirts will be at check-in on race day beginning at 7:15 am, with the race starting promptly at 8:00.
Awards for the in-person race will be given to the top three male and female runners as well as the top male and female in each age category, and virtual participants will be eligible for raffle prizes based on submitting results and/ or photos. Please join us again this year to honor Jack’s commitment to promote physical and mental health and share your event photos on this site to connect with and inspire others!