3rd Annual Invest In Excellence 5K
Sub-events Details
3rd Annual Invest In Excellence 5K
The Nevada R-5 Foundation is hosting our 2nd Annual Invest In Excellence 5K. Our goal is to help students reach the finish line by supporting teacher appreciation and student success. This year, a portion of the proceeds raised will go to the Nevada R-5 Cross Country team.
The race will consist of 2 categories: Individual (male & female categories) and Group (group will have a team of 4 and be judged on costumes and finish time). There will be awards for the overall top female and male runner in each age category (each runner will receive a shirt). The categories are as follows: 18 and under, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 and 70+. Each runner will receive a t-shirt.
The course is an easy course with gradual inclines and declines.