I Run 2 Inspire

I Run 2 Inspire

Anywhere, MD
Oct 29, 2022 - Feb 15, 2023

Sub-events Details


Oct 29, 2022 (Sat)
12:00 AM

Event details

Join the STOMP STIGMA movement by coming together as a community to address mental health awareness and help provide resources to families affected by addiction and those suffering from addiction. 

Sign up for STOMP STIGMA 5k/10k to support The Daniel Carl Torsch Foundation so that they can help even more people suffering from addiction or mental health. Complete the run/walk anytime anywhere, and help give back to an important cause.

The Daniel Carl Torsch Foundation (DCT) located in Maryland is a community-based non-profit organization, serving and supporting families and loved ones of addicts, and individuals struggling with mental health and substance abuse. Daniel Carl Torsch Foundation creates the “bridge” needed when waiting for admission into treatment, needing IDs, food, clothing, and other necessities so no one is left behind. DCT is dedicated to offering charitable aid for treatment and recovery for low-income adults, as well as community harm reduction services, overdose prevention, and response programs. 

In recognition of and in tribute to those we have lost to overdose:
Daniel Carl Torsch
Josh Fischer
Molly Raymond 
& so many more!
-- To have your friend or loved one's name added to the list email stompstigma@outlook.com

Every I RUN TO END SILENCE 5K registrant will receive

  • Entry into the STOMP STIGMA 5K
  • Unisex STOMP STIGMA Shirt
  • Race Day Bib (printable)
  • Overdose Awareness Wrist band
  • Donation to Daniel Carl Torsch Foundation.
  • Chance to win when you share your walk/run photo by joining the "I Run 2 Inspire" Facebook group Join Here and tag on Instagram #IRun2Inspire & #StompStigma5k