HYC Glow Color Blast Fun Run 2024
Sub-events Details
HYC Glow Color Blast Fun Run 2023 (Children 17 and under)
HYC Glow Color Blast Fun Run 2023 (Adults 18+)
The Healthy Youth Coalition, along with the Tri City Event Series, is excited to announce it will be holding its 2024 "HYC GLOW Color Blast Fun Run" on Saturday, October 12th at Henes Park!
Event will begin at 7:00 p.m. and pre-registering guarantees your t-shirt, UV Headlamp, and discounted price of $30 for adults. Thanks to a grant from the Provident Health Foundation, just $15 for Children under 17! Pre-registration ends September 27th, and is STRONGLY encouraged, as registration fee will increase and t-shirts will not be guaranteed after this date.
Event will be held at NIGHT with neon GLOW color powder. Fee includes a finishers medal, UV light headlamp, and a black t-shirt to capture the glow of the UV reactive powder at our six color stations. Our "elevator run" style event encourages you to pick your own distance by running or walking one to three loops (each loop is .90 miles). The more loops you complete, the more color you will wear!
Rocket 88 Music will be there blasting tunes for our participants as they complete their color display at the finish line! Glow merchandise will also be available during packet pick-up and night of event for $3.00 a piece.
Advanced packet pick-up will be held on Friday, October 11th from 4 - 6:00 p.m. at the Menominee County ISD (1201 41st Avenue). Day of registration and packet pick-up will be held in the 3rd pavilion at Henes Park from 6:00- 6:45 p.m. Don't forget to wear your brightest neon accessories in addition to our black t-shirt! Hope to see you there, it’ll be a blast!