Hope Mommies Central Texas Chapter Hope 5K & Fun Run
Sub-events Details
1 Mile Fun Run
Hope Mommies is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that supports women who have lost a child at any stage of pregnancy and up to two years of age. We are founded on the belief that we will see our children again in Heaven based on our faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us.
The local chapter will be supported through this race by raising funds for Hope Boxes, scholarships to send local moms to the yearly retreat, and supporting the parent ministry. Hope Boxes are the point of contact for new hope moms to get connected with the ministry, and will be supplied to the local hospitals in Central Texas.
In addition to the race, we will be having a vendor booths, a memorial balloon release, and food trucks for lunch!
September 23, 2024 is the LAST day to register with a guaranteed race shirt and bag, and to have your baby honored at the hope baby tent.
Bring the family-fun for all ages and fitness levels!
Registration Fees (thru Sept 16) :
5K (12 & Under) - $20
5K (13 & Over)- $25
1M- $20
Registration Fees (after Sept 16) :
5K (12 & Under) - $25
5K (13 & Over)- $30
1M- $25
Sleep-In Supporter:
$20.00 (Now to 9/16/24)
$25.00 (Until 10/19/24)
Can’t get up that early? Don’t sweat it!!! Show your support from the comfort of home in your pjs!
Registrants will receive a t-shirt but will not be assigned a bib or be eligible for awards. Your packet will be available at early packet pick up and you must be registered by September 23, 2024 to get a shirt
Award Categories:
Age Divisions: Male & Female
Overall Male & Female, 12 & Under, 13-19,20-29, 30-39, 40-49,50-59, 60-69, 70 & Over
Early Packet Pick-Up: 10/18/24
Crossroad Park Tennis Court
7325 Prairie View Rd
Temple Tx 76502
Morning of the race
Crossroads Park Tennis Courts
Race Day Schedule:
Walk up registration: 8:30
5K Run @ 10:00.
1M: 5 minutes after last 5K runner starts