HoBOOken 5K Race - USATF Certified Course
Sub-events Details
In-Person HoBOOken 5K Charity Runner
Virtual HoBOOken 5K Charity Runner
In-Person HoBOOken 5K Runner
Virtual HoBOOken 5K Runner
Kids (Virtual) Scary Scurry Scavenger Hunt
Kids In-Person Scary Scurry Race
When you register for the HoBOOken 5K race, you are running to support a great cause!
The Hoboken Shelter transforms lives, with the capacity to shelter up to 50 people nightly, serve 500 meals daily, and host 1,000 showers weekly for those in need. Over the past few years, we have worked tirelessly to recover from the effects of the COVID-19 crisis and the emerging economic challenges impacting the most vulnerable members of our community. Food insecurity and homelessness are real issues facing many of our neighbors—with every step you take, you can help someone in need.
Taking a holistic approach in our efforts, The Hoboken Shelter provides support services such as food, shelter, case management, counseling, and job and life skills training to help our guests gain employment, achieve independence, and reintegrate into the community.