Goat Gallop 5k

Goat Gallop 5k

Arthurdale, WV
2023-06-10 00:00:00
5K / 1 mile

Sub-events Details

Kids Race 1 Mile - Individual Age group/open

1 mile
Jun 10, 2023 (Sat)
12:00 AM
in person

Goat Gallop 5K Regular - Individual Age group/open

Jun 10, 2023 (Sat)
12:00 AM
in person

Goat Gallop 5k Virtual - Individual Age group/open

Jun 10, 2023 (Sat)
12:00 AM

Event details

Enjoy historic Arthurdale dotted with 1930s New Deal homes & run with the friendly goats in our annual Goat Gallop 5k! Visit an original homestead, pet the goats, & join us in celebrating homestead life.

An untimed 1 mile Kids Race course is available for children 10 and younger.

Join us after the races for family-friendly fun and activities with the goats! Healthy snacks and refreshments to recharge your body will be provided.


Event details and schedule

For 2023, the race will be on June 10 with packet pick-up beginning at 7:30 am and activities expected to conclude by 1 pm.

The course is mostly flat with some small hills.  Arrive before 9 to be able to pick up your packet.  Parking will be in the field near race start.  Wear comfortable clothes for running.