Girl Up: Run for Your Rights 5k

Girl Up: Run for Your Rights 5k

Durham, NC
2022-10-15 09:30:00

Sub-events Details


Oct 15, 2022 (Sat)
9:30 AM
Trail Race
in person

Event details

Update: If you register by Monday, August 29, 2022 you will be entered into a raffle to win 10 Free Cycle Bar Classes.

Register today for the Girl Up: Run for Your Rights 5k! This run will raise money to support women's reproductive health, by providing women the proper resources and access to the care they need when they need it. Half of our proceeds will go to Planned Parenthood to support the resources and services currently being given to women, and half of our proceeds will be donated to the Center for Reproductive Rights, to fund continued advocating and legislation to protect and strive for reproductive rights and bodily autonomy. 

This 5k will be held virtually, meaning you can get your t-shirt and run your 5k anywhere you want! Everyone will start on the same day, at the same time no matter where you are. You may also run this race in-person in three different locations. (See Below). Please specify whether you want to sign up to run in-person or virtually, or whether you would like to make a donation. Thank you so much! Every bit of money we raise will go towards protecting women's reproductive rights and providing resources for women to have access to reproductive health care. Thank you so much and we hope to see you on race day!

Location Information: 

Location #1: Durham, NC. Runners will meet at the endpoint of the American Tobacco Trail near Harris Teeter (more directions to follow). 

Durham POC: Hayley Peacock,

Location #2: Roanoke, VA. 

Location #3: Huntsville, AL.