Fruita Sweetheart Run
Sub-events Details
10K run
5K Run/Walk
Fruita Community Center
324 N Coulson St, Fruita, CO 81521
10K Starts at 10:00AM & 5K Starts at 10:30am (Course is Out & Back along the Fruita Trail System on Concrete) (NO DOGS ALLOWED FOR THIS EVENT!)
Entry: Early Bird Registration Until 27 January: 5K $30 / 10K $35 ($10 late registration fee starting January 28th and T-shirt not guaranteed)
Packet Pickup: 5pm-6:30pm Friday, Feb. 9th (Highly recommended) or 8am-9:30am Race Day (both in Community Center)
Registration: Pre-register online at by February 10th, by mail (must be sent by February 1st) or in person at the Fruita Community Center (by February 10th.) You may also register in person Friday at the Fruita Community Center from 5-6:30pm. Race Day registration: 8—9:30am.
Awards: 5k and 10k: 1st and 2nd Overall male/female; 1st, 2nd and 3rd male and female finishers in the following categories: 14 & Under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+
Costume Contest: Costumes are encouraged for this race. At the post race party, the crowd will choose their favorite costume to win the prize.
Post Race Party: Enjoy soup, cookies, and drinks provided by Family Health West Flavors Grille. Raffle prizes and Costume Contest winners will be announced during the post race party as well.
Call 970-858-0360 for more info