Frozen Toe 10k
Sub-events Details
Frozen Toe 10k Virtual Run
Frozen Toe 10k
Frozen Toe 10k & RNUTS Bundle
Frozen Toe 10k
Frozen Toe 10k Virtual Run
Frozen Toe 10k & RNUTS Bundle
The Chestnut Ridge Loop is a great loop trail that is easily accessed from downtown. People use this trail throughout the year and join it with other trails in the area to train for many of the races throughout the valley. Come out and enjoy this event and kick off the New Year with a healthy activity. Walkers are welcome.
The Chestnut Ridge Loop Trail is a 5.6 mile challenging single track trail that loops around the Roanoke Mountain Campground. This is a great trail with a little bit of everything. It is a fast and flowy trail that holds up well to the winter weather and is perfect for a January trail event.
We are very fortunate to be able to use the New Hope Christian Church as our Event Headquarters. They have offered us a nice facility close to the loop trail with plenty of parking.