Frosty 5K
Sub-events Details
1K Kiddo's Race
Walk - 1.75 miles
Brrrrrrr.....its kind of cold out there, but as they say at the Waukesha JanBoree...come out anyways for a “No Mopin’, Nose Nippn’, Cold Snappin’ Good Time.” The Frosty 5K is part of the Waukesha Janboree and the Wisconsin Chilly Willy Run Series, and it's a great excuse to bundle up and go for a run in the cold and snow. Bring the family and enjoy more than 35 events throughout Waukesha all weekend long. As for the race itself, the course is super flat and runnable for accessible to all ages and abilities. The course is just two laps around the Fox River in beautiful Frame Park. We won't lie, it's been know to be cold in January, but that hasn't stopped hundreds of runners from coming out year after year to the Frosty 5K and the Waukesha JanBoree to celebrate all Wisconsin has to give us in the dead of winter.