Friends of Bald Eagle Valley Trail 5K Run/Walk
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Friends of Bald Eagle Valley Trail 5K Run/Walk
Join us for a run/walk to support the Friends of Bald Eagle Valley Trail. This walk/run will kick off Castanea Community Day! See below for more information. This event will begin at the Castanea Train Station Complex, with parking available across the street. Participants will be able to enjoy trail for its forth annual walk/run. The trail will loop around ending back at the Castanea Train Station Complex. Participants can select from a branded Bald Eagle Valley Trail water bottle or a safety running light. Winning categories will be:
Castanea Community Day is July 20th - see below for events:
7:30 AM Bald Eagle Valley Trail 5K Walk/Run Registration, 8 AM 5K Walk/Run begins at the Castanea Train Complex
View more details about the remaining events on Castanea Township's Facebook Page: