Free Clinic Colon Cancer 5K Run & Walk
Sub-events Details
Youth 5K Run / Walk (12 & Under)
5K Run / Walk
This run and walk is for anyone who has been impacted by colon cancer because NO ONE FIGHTS ALONE. Survivors, current battlers, caregivers, family members, friends, coworkers, sisters, husbands, mothers, or anyone who wants to increase access to healthcare and screening sign up to help change the statistics.
Colon Cancer screening is one of the most underused ways to save someone's life from cancer that exists. Stage one colon cancer has over a 90% survival rate but colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the US. Lack of access to healthcare and early screening measures but 60% of these deaths can be avoided with screening. 76% of uninsured have not had a colon cancer screening and lack access to proper medical care.
The mission of the Free Clinic of Central Virginia is to ensure high-quality, compassionate, and comprehensive healthcare for every member of our community. We fulfill this mission by providing high-quality medical, dental, pharmacy, behavioral health, and health education services to those in Central Virginia who do not have the resources to obtain these essential healthcare services. We are not funded by the government but instead we are funded by our community and largely run by volunteers that are passionate about serving others. We are here for you.
5K Registration (RACE CAP of 300):
$25 New Year's Day!
$30 (January 2nd - February 29th)
$35 (March 1st - March 21st)
$40 Packet Pickup (Mar. 22nd / Mar. 23rd) & Race Day (Mar. 24)
12 & Under Special Pricing:
$15 (Does not include shirt. A shirt can be purchased for an additional $15 during registration)
Virtual 5K
Available to those that are unable to attend our new race date of Sunday March 24th, 2pm.
Race Day Registration:
This race has an entry cap of 300 participants. If entries remain available, race Day registration is available for $40. Participants are encouraged to register prior to arriving at our starting line at Peaks View Park, 70 Ivy Creek Ln, Lynchburg, VA 24502
Please note that there is no paper registration for this event.
Lynchburg Road Runners Club Member Discount:
The United Way 5K on the Runway is happy to offer a $5.00 discount to current Lynchburg Road Runners Club members. The discount period is Jan. 2nd - Mar. 1st. Discounts will not be given after Friday March 1st. Participant membership must be current with LRRC membership roster found on RunSignUp. Discount will be given at checkout automatically. Refunds and discounts will not be given after completing online race registration.
Assisted Participant Information:
Assisted participants with disabilities are welcome. Both the assisted athlete and the pusher must register and sign the waiver, but will each only pay half price for registration. Please contact the race for more information on receiving this discount. Assisted athletes will have a 3-5-minute advance start for course safety purposes. On race day, please go to the front of the starting line and our team will get you lined up. We will also have several parking spaces reserved near the event. Please look for our parking attendants and let them know you are an assisted athlete team.
2024 Lynchburg Road Runners Spring / Summer Race Series
This year's event is race #3 of the 2024 Lynchburg Road Runners Spring Race Series. There is no additional fee to participate in the Race Series. Participants do not need to be a Lynchburg Road Runners Club member to place in the Race Series.
Packet Pickup:
Friday, March 22nd from 12 – 6pm, Riverside Runners, 2480 Rivermont Avenue, Lynchburg, VA 24503
Saturday, March 23rd from 11:00am - 1:00pm, Riverside Runners, 2480 Rivermont Avenue, Lynchburg, VA 24503
Sunday, March 24th from 1-1:30pm, Peaks View Park, 170 Ivy Creek Ln, Lynchburg, VA 24502
Participants who register by the March 11, 2024, 11:59pm deadline will receive a 5K t-shirt. Extras are available on a first-come basis at packet pickup.
Top three overall male and female finishers, top Masters (40+ yrs of age) male & female, plus the top 3 male & female finishers in the following categories: 12 & under, 13 – 19, 20 – 29, 30 – 39, 40 – 49, 50 - 59, 60-69, 70 and over. Timing will be provided by Riverside Runners.
Pets & Strollers:
Due to the width of the bikeway strollers are prohibited from being part of the event. As a courtesy to all participants and volunteers, please do not bring your pet to this event.
Refund / Transfer / Deferral Policy:
Entries are non-refundable or transferrable to another person or event. Entries cannot be deferred to another year.