Flannel Fun Run and Lumberjack Games
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Flannel Fun Run and Lumberjack Games
Bust out your flannel and grow out that beard for a fun-filled day for the whole family! Join the Museum of North Idaho for our inaugural Flannel Fun Run and Lumberjack Games, including a 2-mile flannel fun run, a cornhole tournament, music, food, vendors, and even a Lumberjack demonstration by the University of Idaho logging team! We'll have prizes for the best lumberjack getup and the best beard!! You don't want to miss this fun day in Coeur d'Alene celebrating our rich lumber industry. All taking place on the North Idaho College campus and Centennial Trail.
8:00 am - Check-in starts and Vendor Booths open until 1 pm
9:00 am - Flannel Fun Run Begins!
10:00 am - Lumberjack Demonstration
10:30 am - Cornhole Tournament Begins
11 am - Lumberjack Demonstration
1 pm - Event Closes