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Fitness | Get Moving on the B&O Greenway
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Fitness | Get Moving on the B&O Greenway
Indy Greenways are found throughout our city. They provide recreation, transportation and important connections in our neighborhoods. As part of the Get Moving on the Greenways! initiative, we are hosting a series of walks on several of the greenways, including the White River Greenway, Grassy Creek Trail, Pleasant Run and B&O Trail. Take time to discover YOUR neighborhood greenway or introduce yourself to a new path and join us on one or all of this series. Each of our Get Moving! series will be held on the second Wednesday of the month and include a moderate 1.5 mile walk featuring a different guest host who will provide fun, healthy and educational tips. This walk will explore one of Indy’s ongoing trail development projects, the B&O Trail. This former westside rail corridor is being developed into a shared-use path that connects downtown Indianapolis to Hendricks County and beyond. When completed it will connect neighborhoods to retail areas, health clinics, and other community attractions along its length. This walk will explore one of the recently-constructed portions of the trail to give participants a glimpse of what is to come with this urban trail. The walk is an all-age appropriate event, and we encourage families (including friendly dogs) to join our group! The walk is free but registration is encouraged.
All Ages
&O Trail Trailhead, 1332 North Worth Avenue, 46241
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