DVBC 5K & Fall Color Run
Sub-events Details
5K & 1 Mile Color Run
Join us at Dry Valley Baptist Church for our second annual 5k & 1 Mile/Fall Color Run! Dash through the beautiful country sides of Dry Valley with us. Our 5K route takes a very scenic route through a quiet farm and pasture filled neighborhood with beautiful scenery! Following our 5k we will have a Toddler Wobble & Bike Dash for the kids! The Fall Color Run is not your traditional color run as our color scheme will be fall themed! If you are not a fan of colors but would like to run/walk the 1 mile you can do that also! Grab a friend and walk, run, laugh, and dash with us!
*please register by October 27th to secure a shirt in your size.
*registration begins at 8am and is open up till race time.
*5k race time is at 9 am sharp!
*registered runners will be allowed to participate in both events
*The 5k will be timed by a group of volunteers and will not be a color run!
*The color run will be a 1 mile untimed fun run and begins at 9:45 or until the last 5K runner returns. We will time you if you’d like!