Dashing Divas

Dashing Divas

Atlanta, GA
Mar 4, 2023

Sub-events Details

Dashing Divas

Mar 04, 2023 (Sat)
10:00 AM
Trail Race
in person

Event details

The Xi Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. presents “Dashing Divas”  sponsored by NAMI, a walkathon created to raise money and awareness towards initiatives that support international education and cultural exchange. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Elementary School, The Cynthia M.A. Butler-McIntyre Campus in Ch'erette, Haiti. Thank you to the following chapters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. : Eta Kappa, Omicron Xi, and Stone Mountain-Lithonia Alumnae Chapter for supporting our fundraising efforts. Fundraising Goal: $10,000

The event will take place RAIN OR SHINE!


Race Date

Saturday, March 4, 2023


9:15-10:00 am: Registration

10:15 am: Lead Stretches/Warm up

10:30 am: Walking Commences

1:00 pm: Walkathon Ends


The event will take place on the Georgia Tech campus along part of the Pi-Mile Trail. Registration, starting point, and ending point will be in the Bio-Tech Quad Courtyard, which is where all pre and post-race festivities will happen. For more details, please reference this MAP.


FREE Parking is available in the AREA 4 Visitor Parking Lot. There are a limited number of spots, so please plan accordingly. Once the lot is full, we will direct participants to the AREA 5 Visitor Parking Deck, which has a pay station (card only) and the cost is $2/hr. Both parking areas can be found on the GT Parking Map. 


The route will have two hydration stations at the start/finish point and approximately the halfway point.