CrossFlint - Atwood Team Series
Sub-events Details
Team Workout
Sal’s Gym Flint and the Crim Fitness Foundation present the Strongest Mile, Atwood Series, CrossFlint 5k Challenge, and Barbell and Brews! This year there will be the opportunity to participate in 4 functional fitness events starting in May and running through October. In order to make these events a success, we need YOU!
What To Expect At The Atwood Team Series
Event 1: Run and Lift
Lifts will consist of Back Squats, Deadlifts, Shoulder to Overhead, and Hang Power Cleans.
(Masters Weight: 65/45, Scaled Weight: 65/45, RX Weight 95/65)
Event 2: 21-15-9
RX: Toes to Bar, Power Snatches, Double Unders
Scaled & Masters: Straight Leg Sit Ups, Power Snatches, Single Jump Rope
(Masters Weight: 65/45, Scaled Weight: 65/45, RX Weight 95/65)
Event 3: Team Chipper
200m Partner Sled Pull Buy In
100 Wall Balls
80 DB Swings
60 Pull Ups
30 Devils Presses
Scaled & Masters:
200m Partner Sled Pull Buy In
100 Single DB Thrusters
80 DB Swings
60 Jumping Pull Ups
30 Devils Presses
20 Push Ups
(Masters Weight: 35/30[20], Scaled Weight: 35/30[20], RX Weight 50/35)
More details to come closer to event date.
Event elements subject to change.