Coronado Rotary Low Tide Ride & Stride
Sub-events Details
5K Run/Walk (17 & Under)
5K Run/Walk (18 & Up)
Celebrate the 27th Anniversary of the Low Tide Ride & Stride with a NEW 5K Course during the lowest tide of the month on the beach from North Beach down to the end of the Shores and back. Kick off summer with this fun, family-friendly, 5K chip-timed race. Run! Walk! Bike! Stroll! This Coronado signature event takes place along one of the top 10 beaches in the world and provides much needed funds for charities with Wounded Warriors and First Responders being the primary beneficiaries. Drop your beach chair in Sunset Park along with your reusable water bottle. After the race, kick back and enjoy LIVE MUSIC, grab a snack, visit local vendors' booths, and more.
If you have participated in past Low Tide Ride & Stride events, you may have noticed military and civilian volunteers lining the beach along the State Park and Navy Base. They were protecting the Least Tern’s nesting grounds. You see, the Least Terns are an endangered species and their numbers continue to dwindle. More than ever, we must protect these nesting grounds. Even the military must limit their training on the beach during nesting season March – September. According to the Audubon Society, since 1970 we have lost half of all bird populations globally. By changing the course of the race, Rotary is protecting critical nesting grounds for the Least Tern and Snowy Plover. We are excited for race course -- less hassle, family friendly, and fun at Sunset Park! We can’t think of a better way to bike, run, walk and celebrate the beginning of summer than the Low Tide Ride & Stride!.
For any questions please contact the event organizer at or call (734) 945-6443.