Christine Padasak Memorial Autism Awareness 5k & Family Fun Walk
Sub-events Details
5k Running Race
5k Race for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder or other Developmental Disability
5k for non-disabled children under 10-years-of-age
Family Fun Walk
Virtual Walk or Run
Virtual Walk or Run for Children Under 10yo and/or Individuals with a Developmental Disability
Family Fun Walk for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder or other Developmental Disability
Family Fun Walk for non-disabled children under 10-years-of-age
The Kiwanis Club of Springville and Kiwanis International share a mission to improve the world by making lasting differences in the lives of children. This civic oriented social club has selected The Children's League to be the beneficiary of the proceeds from this annual event. All proceeds will go to The Children's League with a portion specifically to its Autism Program to promote Excellence! To accomplish great things, one has to do great things. In order for The Children's League to keep doing great things – the extra things that truly make a meaningful difference – we need your help.
Each year Kiwanis offers prizes for the top three TEAM fund raisers (e.g., $300 Amazon Gift Card, $200 Eat and Stay Package at Russel's (or similarly valued package), $100 Runner's Roost Gift Card). The competition is ON!
The Autism Program at The Children's League is a highly specialized program with staff trained to address the core issues of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Research shows that hitting those core symptoms early with intensive behaviorally based instruction results in best outcomes. Educational practices as usual are not sufficient - extra effort and resources are essential. By contributing you will be making a difference in the life of a child.