chief kewanna 5k
Sub-events Details
Non competitive walk
Chief Kewanna 5k
Papoose Pow-Wow
Little Chiefs Fun Run
This race will be live this year. 5K Run: Competitive race about 3.1 miles in length. Age groups: 13 & under, 14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 & over. Masters group 40 and over. Grandmaster group 60 and over, 2-mile Walk: Non-competitive walk for fun. Little Chief’s Fun Run: Competitive race about a quarter mile in length for ages 7-12. Participants may also take part in the run/walk. Papoose Pow-Wow: Free non-competitive 25 meter dash for ages 2-7. T-shirts available for $6.00 if size is available. Please see check-in table for more information.