Chasing Excellence Cross Country Camp

Chasing Excellence Cross Country Camp

Aug 7, 2023 - Aug 9, 2024

past date

Race Distance



Course Profile


Course Type

Point to point

Event Details

Get yourself ready for the 2024 middle school cross country season by participating in the 2nd Annual Chasing Excellence Cross Country Camp!

This one-week commuter camp will include tips on team running, drafting, managing injuries, cross country running tactics, developing mental toughness, footwear, nutrition, hydration and pre-meet workouts. Participants will meet Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 8 a.m. Campers should be able to run 3 miles at an easy pace prior to participating in camp, which means you should be doing some summer running prior to the first day of camp so that you are able to participate. Supervision is not available for those unable to run.

Registration costs $25, which includes a camp t-shirt. We will provide small snacks and drinks each day of the camp.

Come join the fun! Fuel your fire and get a head start on the competition by participating in the 2nd Annual Chasing Excellence Cross Country Camp!

CAMP SCHEDULE (Locations are subject to change)

Monday, Aug. 5 - Anneberg Park picnic shelter (south side of park)

·      Welcome and introductions

·      Dynamic warmup

·      Education: Team running and drafting

·      3 mile easy run (practice team running and drafting)

·      Strides

·      Strength work – pushups, crunches, lunges

·      Education: Managing soreness


Tuesday, Aug. 6 - Anneberg Park picnic shelter (south side of park)

·      Dynamic warmup

·      1 mile easy run

·      Education: Cross Country running tactics

o   Drafting

o   “Sandwich” passing

o   Using blind spots (especially turns)

·      2 mile easy run using cross country running tactics

·      Strength work


Wednesday, Aug. 7 - Anneberg Park picnic shelter (south side of park)

·      Dynamic warmup

·      1 mile easy run (practicing cross country running tactics)

·      Education: Using the energy systems (ATP – 7 second start)

·      Practicing 7 second starts

·      Education: Uphill running and downhill running

·      Practicing uphill/downhill running

·      Strength work


Thursday, Aug. 8 - Anneberg Park picnic shelter (south side of park)

·      Education: Mental toughness; finding your rhythm; affirmations

·      Dynamic warmup

·      4 mile run – practice team running (drafting; changing leads)

·      Strength work

·      Education: Footwear – training shoes; racing shoes; spikes


Friday, Aug. 9 - Anneberg Park picnic shelter (south side of park)

·      Pre-meet workout

o   Dynamic warmup

o   1 mile easy

o   6 strides – two easy, two medium, two hard

o   1 mile easy

·      Education: Nutrition, hydration


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Chasing Excellence Cross Country Camp

Manhattan, KS, USA

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Countdown to Event Day




