YULETIDE TROT 5K! Run to Change a Life, Run to Change a Community!
Sub-events Details
1 Mile Walk
5 km Run/Walk with your Dog
5 km Run or Walk
Kids Dash Fun Run
Run to Change a Life, Run to Change a Community!
1st Annual 5K Fun Run & Walk presented by Changing Lives & Semper Fi Service Dogs
This event is great for all ages! Family fun events after the race. Leashed friendly dogs welcome and must pre-register by November 20th!
Saturday January 13, 2023 Events Starts at 8:00 am and the fun continues after the run finishes
Race Day Packet Pick Up Starts on site at 6:30 am
• 5K Run/Walk 8:00 am
• 5K with Dogs 8:05 am
• Mile Walk 8:10am
• Kids Dash 9:00 am
Timing by Accuchip Timing
Finisher medals to all who finish
Packet Pickup at Runners Edge during store hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday till Noon
3195 N Federal Hwy, Boca Raton, FL 33431 runnersedgeboca.com
Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 10:00 - 6:00 Thursday 10:00 - 7:00
After the race join us for:
• Live music
• Popcorn Machine Section
• Face Painting Picture
• Axe throwing center
• Cona Ice Section
• Bounce house
• Basketball section: inflatable
•Seven Axes-axe throwing,
• Food & drinks sections and more!
Meet the Veterans and their Service Dogs! Help us honor the men and women who have sacrificed for our country!
We invite you to join us in our “1st Annual 5K Fun Run & Walk to Change Lives”, the lives of not only people struggling, but our canine friends. Changing Lives is proud to announce their collaboration with Semper Fi Service Dogs. This grass roots non-profit rescues dogs, commits to their care and rehabilitation, and trains them as psychiatric service dogs for Veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress, traumatic brain injury and MST. Each dog is individually trained to perform tasks that mitigate their handler's disability and restore the Veterans physical and emotional independence. After graduation SFSD provides maintenance training, “pack” outings and family picnics, training and activities. They are more than a service dog provider, they provide a continuum of peer support, resources and accountability. Veterans can return to their communities with a new “leash” on life as productive citizens who make a positive difference.
It is a statistical fact that over 22 Veterans a day take their own life. A specially trained PTSD dog can provide a sense of security, calming effects, manage anxiety or panic attacks and are trained in specialized task work. Service Dogs help adjust serotonin levels, help lower blood pressure, help with episodes of depression, provide companionship, calm their handler, and prevent people from crowding. With each graduate pair, we save two lives; we rescue the dog, and the dog rescues the Veteran.
All of this is at no cost to the Veteran, and they operate solely on donations. With each donation, you save two lives. Please join us and run for Semper Fi Service Dogs! Run for the relationships and camaraderie we have built within this community!
We need participation from the members of the community to realize this event. We ask you, please, to respond to our appeal for the upcoming fun run & walk by becoming a sponsor, signing up for the run and inviting your family, friends, and associates. It will be a fun-filled day with a cause.
BENEFITTING: Proceeds will be donated to Semper Fi Service Dogs.
Established in 2020
Find out more about Semper Fi Service Dogs on our website at: www.semperfiservicedogs.org.
Semper Fi Service Dogs volunteers their time to the great mission of Changing Lives, who provides programs and services for the underprivileged population in need of assistance. Their services are provided by volunteer citizens of our community at large. Semper Fi Service Dogs sincerely appreciates their partnership with Changing Lives, as they truly are making a difference.
Semper Fi Service Dogs Inc. is a Florida Not for Profit Corporation and a tax- exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. If you wish to get more information regarding our program, please feel free to contact us at 561-255-4900 or via email at amandao@semperfiservicedogs.org.
WHO WE ARE: At Changing Lives, we believe that in order to maximize the self-sufficiency of our clients we must provide a “continuum of care.” This means not providing merely a handout but a critical, individualized plan to meet the specific needs of our clients who are suffering from, or at risk of homelessness as they transition to stable housing and self-sufficiency.
Find out more about Changing Lives at our website at: https://changinglives.me/contact-changing-lives/
What We Do: Changing Lives is committed to provide the following support and resources:
Transitional housing and immediate emergency housing/shelter
Access to drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers
Mental health counseling Referrals
Scholarships for job and vocational training programs
Grants for small business start-ups
Food, clothes, toiletries, hot showers, haircuts
Assistance with applications for Governmental subsidies
Food stamp applications
Family reunification
Changing Lives of Boca Raton, Inc. is a Florida Not for Profit Corporation and a tax- exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. If you wish to get more information regarding our program please feel free to contact us at 561-961-4635 or via email at info@changinglives.me.
This race has a NO Refund Policy in place!
Volunteers are still needed, select Volunteer in the top tab and register for a position!
Students can earn Community Service Hours by volunteering at the event.