Camp #Runthistown/#Walkthistown

Camp #Runthistown/#Walkthistown

Anderson, SC
Jul 1, 2023 - Dec 8, 2023

Sub-events Details

Camp #Runthistown/#Walkthistown

Jul 01, 2023 (Sat)
8:00 AM

Event details

Camp #Runthistown is a 10-week beginner running/walking program designed to inspire courage!  With the help of our trained volunteers, you will take your first or next steps in your personal health/fitness journey to a Stronger and Healthier YOU!


Goal Race:  NYC Marathon and Kiawah 1/2 Marathon

Take Flight Night: TBD

Take Flight Location:  Anderson YMCA 

Group Runs:  July 1 - December 8 (Sunday @ 7AM) 

Group Run Location: TBD

I N S P I R E   C O U R A G E 

Since 2011, First Flight Alliance, along with the help of our awesome volunteers, we have encouraged thousands of runners/walkers across their first 5K finish lines!  Many have gone on to complete their first 10K, Half and Full Marathons and many who are now running on our NYC #RunthistownBIGAPPLE Marathon Team!  -- Maybe you will be next! 

With a goal race on your calendar, the support of group runs and the encouragement from those that have been where you are, it's a perfect plan to get you in the running shape of your dreams!