Bring the Heat

Bring the Heat

West Jefferson, NC
Mar 25, 2023
Other / 5K

Sub-events Details

5K Timed Race

Mar 25, 2023 (Sat)
10:00 AM
in person

Family Fun Run (16yrs+)

Mar 25, 2023 (Sat)
10:15 AM
in person

Family Fun Run (Kids aged 5-16)

Mar 25, 2023 (Sat)
10:15 AM
in person

Event details

Every year as the temperatures drop a new need rises for the vulnerable members of our community. The need for warmth. With the average cost of fuel oil more than $5/gal and propane more than $3 a gallon, the financial burden can be daunting for many people. There are a few current avenues for assistance including the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for those who qualify, Generations offers fuel assistance for their elderly and disabled clients, and Ashe Really Cares (ARC) offers assistance as well. The fuel assistance for Generations and ARC is primarily funded from the generosity of the community with donations and fundraisers. While the cost of living continues to increase, so does the financial need of these resources. This is an opportunity for the community to come together and support each other. 

Bring the Heat is a 5K race and family fun run fundraiser that starts and finishes in the Generations parking lot on Chatty Rob Ln. It loops the Beaver Creek area of West Jefferson past mountain views, farmland, and quiet neighborhoods. Those who wish to run in the timed race will leave the starting line at 2:00pm. The Family Fun Run will leave at 2:15 p.m. Spectators are also welcome to stop by and cheer on the participants. All proceeds from the race, drink or baked good sales and additional donations will be spilt between the two fuel assistance funds to support them in their goals to reach our community members in their time of need. Together we can make bring warmth in the coldest days!