ABC2 Breaking The Stigma Color Run
Sub-events Details
5k - Student - Run/Walk
5k Walkers
5k Runners
Virtual 5k
ABC2's Breaking The Stigma Color Run/Walk is a community 5K opportunity to raise awareness and funds for advocacy efforts around Environmental Justice, Health Equity, Civic Engagement, Gender/Identity and more at the Dawson Resiliency Hub. It will be a powerful and moving experience as a community to break the stigma and build power for thriving communities.
In The Spirit Of Community!
The 5K Color Run/Walk will be held on Monday, September 2, 2024.
Registration/Check-In Starts at 9am, with a Celebration immediately following.
Registration Fees:
5k Runners: $25/person
Walkers: $10/person
Students: K-12 $5/person (non 5K Runners)
Teams (5 people) - $100