Brant's Apple Orchard 5K Trail Race

Brant's Apple Orchard 5K Trail Race

Ashtabula, OH, USA
Oct 1, 2022 (Sat)

Sub-events Details

Brant's Apple Orchard 5K

Oct 01, 2022 (Sat)
9:00 AM
Trail Race
in person

Event details

Join us on Saturday, October 5th this year for the  seventh annual 5K held at the Orchard!  The run/walk will take you through the vineyard, the woods, apple, and pear trees.   It’s the one of the most challenging course in the ADR series with almost constant elevation changes, a few creek crossings, and twists and turns through the woods. At the end you’ll get to replenish those lost carbs with cider and donuts at the finish line. One apple donut and one cup of cider = 2 servings of fruit right? 

Online Registration only.


Price starting at:
