Bradenton Runners Club Turkey Trot

Bradenton Runners Club Turkey Trot

Bradenton, FL
Nov 24, 2022

Sub-events Details

BRC 'Give to Run or Walk' Turkey Trot 3-Miler

Nov 24, 2022 (Thu)
8:00 AM
in person

Event details


The 27th Annual Bradenton Runners Club Turkey Trot 3 Mile fun run and walk will be held at 8:00 A.M. Thanksgiving morning, Thursday, November 28 2024 at Robinson Preserve (north entrance), 1704 99th St NW, Bradenton, FL 34209.

We are charging a nominal age-based registration fee to cover the costs of putting on this race. We greatly appreciate and encourage the generosity of participants who donate to our charities: The Food Bank of Manatee and Turning Points. Please register online (no later than 6:00 P.M. November 27, 2024) to facilitate race day check-in.


                                                 NOTE: CASH ONLY ON RACE DAY

                                     RACE DAY REGIGISTRATION FEE INCREASES

                      TO $15.00 FOR EACH PARTICIPANT OVER 15 YEARS OF AGE


As in past years, however, we are still asking all participants to recognize the efforts of our two selected local charities, the Food Bank of Manatee and Turning Points, by making donations when they register for this race.  Monetary donations may be made online here, and/or in person on race day.

The Food Bank of Manatee and Turning Points will be on site on Thanksgiving Day to collect your donations of canned or dry goods (non-perishable foods), new or gently used clothing, and shoes that are in good condition.

Race shirts are available for purchase when you register. Race shirts must be picked up on race day.