Boar's Head Turn & Burn

Boar's Head Turn & Burn

Charlottesville, VA
Jul 8, 2023
5 mile

Sub-events Details

Boar's Head Turn & Burn 5-miler

5 mile
Jul 08, 2023 (Sat)
7:30 AM
Trail Race
in person

Event details

The Boar's Head Turn & Burn is a 5-mile trail race taking part on the trails in the Boar's Head Resort and Spa, located off Ivy Road in Charlottesville, Virginia.  The course is a "lollipop" route which starts on hilly grassy trail before heading into the woods where it turns into a steeper, technical singletrack towards Foxhaven Farm.  The course then pops out of the woods onto a paved golf cart path before rejoining the grassy trails back to the finish.  There will be an aid station at approximately mile 3.  This course is arguably the toughest of the 4-race Summer Series because of the July heat, distance (5.0 miles) and hilly, rugged terrain.  Your legs will be turning until they are burning!  For more information see the race website page linked below.

The start and finish is just off Ednam Drive next to the pond at the main resort area.

Come out for a great summer race!  See you at the Boar's Head!