Blk + Healthy X Southside Run Club 5k

Blk + Healthy X Southside Run Club 5k

Spartanburg, SC
May 6, 2023

Sub-events Details

Blk + Healthy X Southside Run Club 5k

May 06, 2023 (Sat)
9:00 AM
in person

Event details

Southside Run Club and Blk + Healthy have partnered to create a brand new run/walk event! This is a beautiful 5k run/walk through the heart of Southside Spartanburg. This 5k will be the kick off to the Black + Healthy Event! Right after the 5k we want everyone to spend time seeing all the incredible vendors from all aspects of health and wellness. Come out be healthy and encourage others. 

This 5k is for everyone! We want everyone to experience what an organized run/walk feels like and how motivating it can be. Register, Donate, and encourage a friend to join you in your race and preparation! This course is hilly but we have plenty of volunteers and water stations along the route to help you make it to the finish! 

This event is free to register but we are encouraging a $10 donation. These funds raised will help Southside Run Club continue to hold bigger and better events to support our community. 

For this third edition of our 5k, our course will feature the Mary Black Trail, Duncan Park, the South Converse Neighborhood, the Mary H. Wright Greenway, and the Hub City Hopper! We are excited about this fun course. We'll have officers, volunteers, and water stations all throughout the course to keep you safe and moving to the finish line.