Black Canyon Donkey Derby 3, 6, and 9 Mile Races
Sub-events Details
Virtual 3, 6, or 9 Mile Donkey Dash
Please join us for the third annual Black Canyon Donkey Derby on Saturday, March 11th, 2023!
This is a team event that pairs a donkey with runner/walker. Burro running is a team event, the team being comprised of a runner and a burro/donkey. Runners must supply or arrange for their own donkey. Donkeys will not be provided. It is very important that participants spend time practicing and getting to know their donkey and understand donkey etiquette before the event. No other type of equine or animal will be permitted on the course. Pack saddles are recommended, but only required on the 9 mile run. Donkeys must wear a halter and be led with a single lead rope. Halters may be rope or webbed. A jack chain may be used with a webbed halter and can pass over the nose or under the chin. Any injury to the donkey due to use or misuse of the chain will result in a non-completion. No bits, reins, or sticks of any kind will be permitted. It is recommended that participants use appropriate trail running footwear and carry their own water. Gloves are recommended to prevent rope burn and protection from falls in cactus and rocks. The 6 & 9 mile course is rocky and steep in places. Boots for the donkey are recommended, but not required.
Please check in with your donkey upon arrival and prior to 10 AM March 11th. The check in will be open Friday e ending until 10AM Saturday. There will be a run meeting at 10;45 AM Saturday morning at which time the start, course conditions, and procedures will be discussed. Please plan on attending with donkey at the start line. During the Donkey Derby, teams (1 person + 1 donkey) must remain a team from start to finish. No donkey swapping. If the team becomes separated, once you retrieve your running mate, you must return to the spot that you became separated and proceed from there to be considered for prizes and placing. The runner is 100% responsible for the safe handling and welfare of the donkey throughout the entire event. Good sportsmanship is encouraged and will be rewarded. Please be kind, considerate, and have a great time enjoying our wonderful animals and our open spaces. That is what the burro/donkey community is all about. The runner may push, pull, drag, or carry the donkey. At no time may the donkey be ridden. NOTE TO ALL participants: This course is out and back entirely on the Black Canyon trail. Passing areas are limited.. This section of BCT is very popular.We will be sharing the trail with hikers, bikers and dog walkers. Please be kind,, courteous and friendly to all trail users. We all want to be good burro ambassadors. Please just slow down and enjoy the beauty. Safety first, competition second. The 3 mile course is relatively easy with only a couple of inclines. If parents or helpers are needed, they are allowed ONLY in the 3 mile course. Please note: If a helper goes with a team, they will NOT be eligible for awards.
Timed And Judged Obstacle Challenge. Obstacle Challenge consists of 5 obstacles to be completed within 3 minutes. Three judges will be used. One scores the handler.. One judge scores the burro.. Your placing via time and judges scoring determines the winner of the belt buckle. The purse will to be awarded 60:40 to first and second.. No chain, whip, or stick of any kind permitted in the obstacle challenge. The $20 entry fee will go towards winners split 60/40.
Costume Contest and Mad ass dash have been canceled. There are no events on Friday or
Dry camping is available at the arena where the run starts and finishes. There are no stalls available so you will need to bring your own burro containment. We are hauling a limited amount of water to the event so if you can bring your own burro water please do. Rock Springs Cafe is within walking distance.
34580 Old Black Canyon Highway
Black Canyon City, AZ 85324
Its just off Warner road.
I will be camping Friday night. Please let me know if you are coming to camp. (928)925-5085
Participants in this race agree to abide by the Center of Disease Control's recommendations for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 distancing and other safety guidelines issued by the state, the community, or by this race for participation in this event.