Beer Mile @ Infinite Ale Works
Sub-events Details
Beer Mile @ Infinite Ale Works
It is time for this year's edition of... The BEER MILE. We are endeavoring on a new location with Infinite Ale Works at Midtown Station. No longer will we have to sneak through a tire shop's parking lot. The updated race will take place on Saturday, October 12th at 4:30 pm @ Midtown Station in Tuscawilla.
Your registration fee will include your four beers and t-shirt. Additional merch is in active development AS WE SPEAK! Tank-tops? Stickers? 5-paneled flat brimed hats (they're all the rage amongst the running fashionistas!) will be available for purchase.
This year's race is a quarter-mile course that is ~90% side-walked, around Midtown Station!
How's it done? Drink 4 beers and run 4 laps around the course... starting with your beer and ending with your run. Beer must be consumed before the lap begins within the transition area of Midtown Station. Non-Alcohol Beer from Athletic Brewing or Cider will also be an option for consumption.
If you want your t-shirt guaranteed, you MUST register by, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9th @ 11:59! We will strive to get all participants a shirt, but if you're tardy, we can't promise anything.