Band on the Run

Band on the Run

Kettering, OH
May 4, 2025

Sub-events Details

5k Run/Walk

May 04, 2025 (Sun)
10:00 AM
in person

Event details

Strike up the band… 

March, walk, jog, or run to the Kettering Fairmont Band Boosters Inaugural Band on the Run 5k 
Run/Walk event on May 4, 2025.  The race takes place at 10 a.m. at Kettering Fairmont High School. 
We cordially invite you to our inaugural fundraising event that aims to promote fitness, community
engagement, school spirit and fun. The Fairmont Band Boosters provides support to all Fairmont bands
and color guards—grades 6-12. Our new event has been created to raise money to help to continue
support of our strong band programs with nearly 800 students participating in marching band, concert
band, jazz ensemble, athletic band, symphonic and wind symphony, indoor percussion, and color guards. 

Financial support is vital to help with instrument & uniform maintenance, music & show development, 
travel expenses, and more.  Whether you want to walk or run, it’s all about the fun. Join in on the festivities while supporting our hardworking and dedicated Fairmont bands and color guards. We will have vendors, food trucks and novelty treat concessions available for everyone to enjoy!

We look forward to seeing you at the Kettering Fairmont Band Boosters Inaugural Band on the Run 5K 
Run/Walk on May 4th at 10 a.m. on the grounds of Kettering Fairmont High School.

Any questions, please contact Ann Miller, KFBB VP of Fundraising at 
(Donations are graciously accepted. Kettering Fairmont Band Boosters are a 501 (c)(3) organizaon)


No pets please.

Price starting at:
