Aposento Alto 5k Race and 1 Mile Fun Run

Aposento Alto 5k Race and 1 Mile Fun Run

Moultrie, GA
Apr 27, 2024

Sub-events Details

Aposento Alto Moultrie 5k Race and 1 Mile Fun Run

Apr 27, 2024 (Sat)
8:00 AM
Run only
in person

Event details

Aposento Alto Moultrie 5k Race & 1 Mile Fun Run

Welcome to our first public 5k race for the Aposento Alto Moultrie church! This is not our first rodeo. We’ve had shorter races since 2014. The 5k race will be for ages 13 years and above. 

In addition, we will have a 1 Mile Fun Run for the ages 6 to 12 years old. 

5k Registration: $15

1 Mile Fun run registration: $10

**No T-shirt will be given this year**

There will be cash awards for overall top 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place!!

We will have medals available for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place winners for each age category.

Age categories:







**Race will begin at 8:00am**

Please stop by no later than 7:30am to access your bib number.

Race will start on Circle Rd by the entrance of our church. Head towards HWY 111. Take a left on Hwy 111. Then turn right on Dunn Rd. We will pass a little-ways Demott Subdivision Rd and then come back. 


All contributions will be for the missions and projects for our local church.

Invite all your running friends and come out to cheer for our runners. 

Please make sure to sign up on the website provided. 


We appreciate everyone in advanced!