American Legion Beer & Wine Run, Walk, & Stumble

American Legion Beer & Wine Run, Walk, & Stumble

Oct 1, 2022 - Oct 5, 2024

Race Distance



Course Type


Event Details

Packet Pickup Begins at 1:30pm Includes a T shirt, 3 glasses of Beer, Wine or Root Beer and food.  Entry Fee: AFTER September 7, 2024 price goes up and we will not guarantee T Shirt

How the Run Works: After the completion of the 1-mile loop you will enter the “Beer Zone” and will be given a glass of beer or wine for the tickets in your packet can be used after you have completed all three loops. Distance and pace do not matter it’s all about having FUN! (You can walk to the kegs if you want) When you finish stick around for a prize drawing and enjoy something to eat. Main Event Sponsors: Sauk Centre American Legion Post 67 and Westside Liquor

For more information contact the legion at (320) 352-9931 leave a message for Chris or contact Marcia at

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American Legion Beer & Wine Run, Walk, & Stumble

Sauk Centre, MN, USA

Price starting at:


Countdown to Event Day




