Alaska Distance Classic
Sub-events Details
In-Person 10K
Virtual 10K
In-Person 5K/10K Double-Up
Virtual 5K/10K Double-Up
Virtual 5K
In-Person 5K
Run a 5K, 10K or BOTH at the Alaska Distance Classic! Double-Up finishers earn a special reward. Sticking with the 5K or 10K? No worries, we have special rewards for you too. Root beer floats, anyone?
The Alaska Distance Classic starts at APU! Is 10K too far? Join us for a 5K. Is 10K not far enough? Sign up for the Double-Up. You can run both the 5K and the 10K and earn yourself a special finisher award!
The 5K will start 45 minutes before the 10K. So if you plan on doubling up you have 45 minutes to finish the 5K and hit the 10K Start line. Take a lap through the beautiful woods that surround the University of Alaska and Alaska Pacific University campuses.
In tradition with previous years, this event includes awareness and a fundraiser for Special Olympics Alaska. In 2022, this event raised $2,000. Thank YOU for helping us support this incredible community organization. We look forward to partnering again and highlighting the world-class athletes from SOA, especially in an Olympic year!