Ainsley's Angels 7th Annual Wings Over The Red River 5K
Sub-events Details
5K Angel Pusher
5k Individual
5K Athlete Rider
5K Athlete Rider
5k Individual
5K Angel Pusher
5K Angel Pusher
5K Athlete Rider
5k Individual
The Wings Over the Red River 5K is an event to support the Northwest Louisiana Ambassadorship of Ainsley's Angels. Ainsley's Angels of America aims to build awareness about America's special needs community through inclusion in all aspects of life. By serving as advocates in providing education and participating as active members in local communities as active members in local communities, we believe everyone deserves to be included and it is our mission to ensure everyone can experience endurance events.
Awards to be given to Overall male and Female runners, Overall Riders 1st and 2nd, 1st place runners male and female in the following age groups. 9 and under, 10-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+.