4th Annual Book It! 5K
Sub-events Details
Race Registration (run/walk): $25/person through 9/30 ($30/person after that date) plus processing
Race (run/walk) starts: 10 a.m.
begins: 9 a.m.
Register by 9/30 to guarantee a race shirt (included with your fee)
Sign-ups after 9/30 will receive a shirt on a first-come, first-served basis.
Chicken BBQ on October 6th
11 a.m. until sold out at the Parish Fire Station
$12 per person plus processing (advance sale)
$15 at the door
You can purchase advance sale tickets here (with a small processing fee) through 10/5, or purchase with cash or check at the door. All proceeds benefit Parish Public Library. In-person advance registration and Chicken BBQ tickets are available at the library (cash or check only).