45th Annual Douglas R. Lynn Sebree Firecracker Run
Sub-events Details
Firecracker Fun Run 1 Mile
Firecracker Run 10K
Firecracker Run 5k
The 45th Annual Douglas R. Lynn Sebree Firecracker Run will take place on Thursday, July 4th 2024.
Quick Driving Facts:
Races include 10k, 5k & 1 mile fun run. We will have cash giveaways, food trucks & free drinks. $30 per runner per race except the fun run which is $5.
All fun run participants will ONLY receive a medal.
Trophies will be given for 10k & 5k following all three races. All 10k & 5k entries will receive a t-shirt.
Packet Pickup beginning at 6am on July 4th
10k start time- 7AM
5k start time- 8:30AM
Fun run start time- immediately following the 5k