3rd Annual Blackhorse Marathon
Sub-events Details
Half Marathon
Relay: Marathon (5-person Team)
Thank you for participating in the 3rd Annual Blackhorse Marathon sponsored by the Blackhorse Association on September 23, 2023 on Fort Irwin, CA.
Congratulations to all runners in the 5K, Half Marathon, Marathon Relay, and full Marathon races! We hope everyone enjoyed this great event.
Below are PDF results for all trophy winners. All trophies were graciously provided by the Blackhorse Association. Please check back soon on the event page for results for all participants.
If you ordered a T-Shirt and did not receive it at race check-in, please email Heather Carr at freestyleapparelandgifts@gmail.com to arrange pick-up (on Fort Irwin) or shipment of your order.
The 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment and the Blackhorse Association are looking for feedback to make a bigger and better event for September 2024! Please contact the Officer in Charge CPT Spencer Reagan at spencer.m.reagan.mil@army.mil or 760-380-4684.